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Recorded KNOCA Events: Videos from our past learning calls and workshops. Find them below or on the KNOCA YouTube channel.

KNOCA Briefings: Research findings on key aspects of climate assembly practice.

Summaries of National Assemblies: Short summaries of the most important elements of climate assemblies held at the national level.
Collection of Evaluations: A curated collection of evaulations of processes and impacts of a range of National Climate Assemblies.

Practical Guidance from KNOCA with detailed best-practice recommendations in key areas of climate assembly practice.

Current Trends Report

Draws on KNOCA’s collected body of work, offering an overview of what we can learn from climate assemblies practice.

New book on Climate Assemblies: 

Graham Smith, Chair of KNOCA, has published a short book, We Need to Talk about Climate: How Citizens’ Assemblies Can Help Us Solve the Climate Crisis, with the open access University of Westminster Press. It is available free to download and as an audiobook, or can be bought in hard copy. The book explores the variety of climate assemblies that have taken place so far at local, national and international levels and explains why they have captured the imagination of governments and activists alike. It examines the different contexts and designs of climate assemblies and assesses their impact. Drawing lessons from current practice, the book demonstrates how assemblies can take us beyond the shortcomings of electoral and partisan politics and how they can have a real and lasting impact on climate policy and politics.
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