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KNOCA at COP27: Governance Innovation on Public Engagement

© United Nations

On November 11, 2022, KNOCA co-hosted a session titled “Governance Innovation on Public Engagement: Learnings from Citizens Assemblies” as part of the Climate Law and Governance Day at COP27. This event, which was part of the UNFCCC 27th Conference of the Parties (COP), took place entirely online from 8:30 to 18:00 Egyptian Time (EET), with the KNOCA session scheduled from 13:20 to 14:30 EET.

The session, in collaboration with the Grantham Research Institute, LSE, explored the impact and lessons learned from national and global citizens assemblies in advancing climate action. Discussions centered on how climate assemblies could influence politics and garner public support for climate policies.

Experience the full meeting here


Alina Averchenkova
Distinguished Policy Fellow
Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics
Laurence Tubiana
European Climate Foundation
Claire Mellier
Global Assembly
Teele Pehk
Green Tiger Foundation, Estonia
Guillaume Casse
2021 Global Assembly from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Diarmuid Torney
Associate Professor
Dublin City University
Susie Townend
Head of Secretariat
Scotland’s Climate Assembly 2020-2021
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