The Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) aims to improve the commissioning, design, implementation and impact of climate assemblies, using evidence, knowledge exchange and dialogue. We are an active community of policy makers, practitioners, activists, researchers and other actors with experience and interest in climate assemblies who co-create activities and knowledge.
KNOCA Innovation Market 2024
© Wojciech Radwanski - Fundacja Stocznia (Poland’s Citizens’ Assembly on Energy Poverty)
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A critical discussion of “Future scenarios” tools / Maria Jagaciak
“RAPID Democracy Model” / Oliver Holtaway
“The whole system in the room” / Miriam de Pagter
Eager to learn more about what’s happening at the cutting edge of climate assembly practice and theory? Do you want to know how your fellow officials, practitioners, researchers and activists are shaping the future of assemblies? On Tuesday 5 March, we organised another of our popular KNOCA Innovation Markets to explore ideas and practices that could influence the way we run climate assemblies in the future.
The topics and presenters were:
- Citizens Assemblies PLUS – No Transformation Without Implementation with Marina Leibfried, Founder & Director, Leibfried Prozessbegleitung, Germany
- Municipal imagination: could a movement of bottom-up imagination catalyse change? with Phoebe Tickell, Founder of Moral Imaginations, United Kingdom
- The principle of “The whole system in the room” with Miriam de Pagter,, The Netherlands
- A critical discussion of ”Future scenarios” tools with Maria Jagaciak, Civic Participation Specialist, The Shipyard Foundation (Fundacja Stocznia), Poland
- RAPID Democracy model: How to involve the right people at the right time in deliberative democratic processes with Oliver Holtaway Research Director of New Citizenship Project, United Kingdom.
- The CLIMAS method: How to increase the effectiveness of climate assemblies in influencing public policy with Yago Bermejo Abati, Co-founder and co-director of Deliberativa, Spain
- Collaborative ecosystem for mass participation with Forrest Sparks, Director, Democratic Design & Engagement at The Assembly Project (TAP), USA
Download the presentations:
A critical discussion of “Future scenarios” tools / Maria Jagaciak
“RAPID Democracy Model” / Oliver Holtaway
“The whole system in the room” / Miriam de Pagter
Watch the recording: