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Webinar on Children and Young People's Participation in Climate Assemblies


From local events to international meetups across the world, climate assemblies are becoming all the more common and pressing. Child Rights International Network, Youth Environment Europe and the Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies are coming together to host a webinar that highlights the impact of children and young people in these spaces.

Connecting assembly members, government officials, participatory designers and facilitators – as well as researchers from local, national and global citizens’ assemblies from across the world – we’ll be discussing processes and outcomes, looking to inform and inspire anyone interested in children’s rights.


  • Lianne Minasian, Co-Director at CRIN (Co-Moderator) 
  • Emma Pagliarusco, Advocacy Coordinator for YEE (Co-Moderator)
  • Professor Graham Smith, Chair of the Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA)
  • Katie Reid, Child Participation Lead - Scotland’s Climate Assembly / Children and Young People’s Assembly on Biodiversity Loss - Ireland
  • Malcolm Noonan T.D., Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform - Ireland
  • Oisín, Assembly member, Children and Young People’s Assembly on Biodiversity Loss - Ireland
  • Aishwarya Machani, United Nations Advocacy Co-Lead at Iswe Foundation / Global Citizens’ Assembly Network (GloCAN)
  • Amelia Turk, Youth Co-Lead of Millenium Kids’ Youth-Led Climate Assembly - Perth, Australia
  • Che Wagner, Programme Lead, Zukunftsrat U24 - Switzerland, Pro Futuris
  • Kartik Verma, UNICEF Youth Advocate - India Advisor  

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