The Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) aims to improve the commissioning, design, implementation and impact of climate assemblies, using evidence, knowledge exchange and dialogue. We are an active community of policy makers, practitioners, activists, researchers and other actors with experience and interest in climate assemblies who co-create activities and knowledge.
Learning Call: German Citizens’ Assembly on Climate
The German Citizens’ Assembly on Climate distinguishes from its predecessors because it was commissioned by civil society organisations with the primary purpose of influencing the federal election, and the government coalition negotiations that follow.
This learning call interrogated the motivation, commissioning, organisation and impact to date of the German Citizens’ Assembly on Climate, drawing out innovations in practice and lessons for future practice.
Percy Vogel from the Citizens’ Climate Protection Initiative which initiated the Assembly and Julia Hoffman from ifok, the lead facilitator, were in conversation with Graham Smith, Chair of KNOCA and taking questions from the audience.
For details of the German Citizens’ Assembly on Climate see its dedicated website and the KNOCA summary.
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