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New report by Energy Cities inspired by citizens’ assemblies

September 14, 2023

Inspired by the measures debated and recommended by citizens’ assemblies, Energy Cities has proposed a set of concrete targets for cities to advance the ecological transition. As the report recognises, many of the proposals that come out of citizens’ assemblies are much more ambitious than the policies currently implemented in municipalities.

The report, “Tangible targets for cities: 33 concrete goals to advance the local ecological transition”, is inspired by the debate and recommendations of four assemblies:

  • The Citizen Covenant for Climate of Grenoble, France (CCC Grenoble)
  • The Climate Assembly, UK
  • The Citizen Covenant of Nantes, France (CC Nantes)
  • The Local Citizen Covenant for Climate and Biodiversity of “Est-Ensemble”,1 France (CCCB Paris)

Energy Cities is a community of several hundred local authority representatives from 30 countries. The network gathers frontrunners and energy transition beginners, city officials and technical experts with the aim of empowering cities and citizens to shape and transition to future proof cities.

The report can be downloaded here

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