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A European network for sharing best practice on the design and implementation of climate assemblies

What is a Climate Assembly?

How to Organise a Climate Assembly?

What are the Impacts of Climate Assemblies?

What are the Key Trends?

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A climate assembly brings together everyday people selected by democratic lottery to learn, deliberate and make recommendations on aspects of the climate crisis.
Our Guidance on Climate Assemblies
KNOCA is co-creating guidance on different aspects of the commissioning, design, implementation, impact and evaluation of climate assemblies.

Follow-Up to Climate Assemblies

The follow-up process is a critical element of climate assemblies. It must not be an afterthought. The time and energy that citizens invest alongside the resources and effort from the commissioning authority and organisers needs to be matched by a carefully structured follow-up process.

Setting the Remit for Climate Assemblies

The remit for a climate assembly should be timely and relevant for citizens and policymakers, fit with the local context of climate politics, be accepted by most stakeholders, and consider the implications for delivery of the assembly given the constraints of time and money.

Governance of Climate Assemblies

Organisers of climate assemblies face the challenge of balancing the different agendas within society so that the process is seen as legitimate. This means arranging the governance of the assembly in ways that ensure that different interests recognise the integrity of the process.

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Book Launch

Book Launch - We Need to Talk about Climate: How Citizens’ Assemblies Can Help Us Solve the Climate Crisis

Join us to celebrate the launch of the open access book We Need to Talk about Climate: How Citizens’ Assemblies Can Help Us Solve the Climate Crisis by Graham Smith, Chair of KNOCA.

KNOCA Workshop

Workshop on Revisiting the impact of the Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat

Five years ago this Autumn, the French Citizens’ Convention for the Climate began its work. The Convention was aground-breaking initiative that has shaped the last five years of climate assembly practice across Europe and beyond. Five years is a good time-period to reflecton that impact.


Norwegian Government Announces Citizens' Assembly on Sustainable Consumption

The Norwegian government has announced the country’s first citizens’ assembly that will consider what a future with reduced consumption of goods will look like.

KNOCA Report

Climate Assemblies: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Opportunities

KNOCA has published an updated version of its report on emerging trends in climate assemblies by our Chair, Graham Smith.

KNOCA Guidance

New Guidance: A Playbook for Civil Society Organisations

We've just published a new 8-step guide for how civil society organisations can engage with climate assemblies

KNOCA Guidance

New Guidance on Children and Young People's Participation in Climate Assemblies

Read our new guidance about the unique considerations needed when engaging children and young people in climate assemblies and why making the effort is so worthwhile.